Monday 24 June 2013

Express Yourself Meme - Questions???

The Express Yourself meme is co-hosted by Dani and Jackie. Each week bloggers answer a different question, so they can get to know each other better.
This week's question is: What questions do you get asked time and time again? 

What race are you?  I probably hear this question everyday. In my country, South Africa, people who are mixed race really can choose to be a different race everyday. Often people mistaken me for Caucasian or sometimes Indian. Not sure what it is that's giving them this seriously twisted perception, but when I'm in the mood for a good laugh, I simply put on an accent. Yesterday I was Brazilian, tomorrow I think I'll be British. 
Why aren't you married yet? This question brings me nothing but hysterical laughter. I can never understand why people think that being married is the only journey one can follow in life.. Never mind the fact that you first need to find a partner to get married, I'm still struggling to look after myself... There's no way I'd still manage to look after one more person just yet. 


  1. That would be cool to be a different race everyday, tho my accents would suck!
    And being married isn't all roses all the time. Trust me! ;)

  2. Trust me, after being mistaken for so many different races, you soon perfect the accents!

  3. I love accents. That would be fun to be able to do that!

  4. I am from South Africa too and I can relate to both your questions. I get asked both all the time too. It is annoying. I agree, why do people have to worry when one will get married? Why can't they just mind their own business. Great post. It was very nice meeting you.

  5. Nice meeting you too Murees! I suppose that is the joys of living in a Rainbow Nation.. Everyone is a different shade of something crazy. I'll never understand the marriage interrogations, sometimes I think South African's need to open their minds a little more...
